Green Nema Care
Green Nema Care– use as BioNematicide
Green Nema Care is a BioNematicide based on a naturally occurring isolate of the bacteria Bacillus firmus. Nematodes affecting tomato, cucumber, pepper, garlic and herbs can be suppressed by use of Green Nema Care.
Pre-planting application of Green Nema Care DP / SL at 1-2 Kg / Lt per Acre significantly reduces the nematode populations and the root infestation (galling index), resulting in an overall increase in yield.
1 Kg / Lt Green Nema Care DP / SL and 500 g. of Mollasses or Crude Sugar are mixed in 3 Lt of water and applied to 10 Kg of DeOiled Cake of Soy or Peanuts or any oil seed cake and covered with a cloth and stored for 3 days and applied to soil before soil preparation / ploughing.
The sequential application of Green Nema Care DP / SL at 1-2 Kg / Lt per Acre (method as stated above) after soil fumigation or soil solarization provides enhanced nematode control, when compared to each treatment alone. The thermo tolerance of the bacterial antagonist enables the application of the bionematicide during the solarization period. The combination of Green Nema Care DP / SL with soil solarization significantly reduces the nematode damage to basil, tomato and cucumber crops.
Preplant application of 1-2 Lt of Green Nema Care SL per Acre suitable for drip irrigation delivery, provides an efficient control of nematode population and reduces root damages on tomato and cucumber crops. A mid season, single application of Green Nema Care SL at 1-2 Lt per Acre , significantly reduces the nematode damage on the root system of a tomato crop.
The use of Green Nema Care offers a feasible, environmentally safe biological control treatment which is: i) easily implementable into organic, conventional and integrated control growing systems; ii) allowing a reduction of toxic chemicals input.
Caution on application rate :
The quantity of Green Nema Care required per acre and the number of applications required depend on the infestation level of nematodes. It is suggested that a proper trial is taken by the user to ascertain application rate and number of applications.
No ecotoxicity data available for this product.